This key new introduction, by one of the leading exponents in the field, explains in clear and accessible language the historical and theoretical origins of post-colonial theory. Acknowledging that post-colonial theory draws on a wide, often contested, range of theory from different fields, Young analyzes the concepts and issues involved, explains the meaning of key terms, and interprets the wo…
This section gathers nineteenth-century boggart ephemera, particularly from newspapers but also from magazines, rare books and broadsides. Given the space constraints, I concentrate on material that other researchers might have trouble finding. I have typically included here actual boggart news (everything from ‘boggart hunts’ to children dying from boggart stories, sic)…
Empire, Colony, Postcolony provides a clear exposition of the historical, political and ideological dimensions of colonialism, imperialism, and postcolonialism, with clear explanations of these categories, which relate their histories to contemporary political issues. The book analyzes major concepts and explains the meaning of key terms. The first book to introduce the main historical and c…
In perhaps the most striking passages of The Dominion in 1983, the author writing under the pseudonym Ralph Centennius predicted the use of “light and beautiful rocket cars, which [dart] through the air at the rate of sixty miles in one minute.” Constructed of polished metal, these fifty-seat rocket cars would fly through the sky at heights of up to fifteen hundred feet and land on rails wh…
The contributions collected in this volume deal with the complex history of the Indian deity Vi??u-N?r?yana. This conception of God evolved in various traditions in India, especially in South India, during the first millennium CE. The history of this development is reconstructed here by various means, including philological exegesis, the history of ideas, and iconographic evidence.
Robot yang ada di komik biasanya terbang di angkasa dan mengitari lautan serta hanya terlihat sebagai si pembela kebenaran yang membuat takut para penjahat. Namun, Robot di dunia nyata tentu memiliki kegunaan bagi kehidupan kita, seperti robot untuk keluarga yang bisa membantu bersih-bersih, untuk membantu operasi, untuk merakit atau memasang komponen. Di Korea pun, dikembangkan robot canggih y…
The book's organization also reflects our conviction that full mastery of a subject of this nature cannot be accomplished without a significant amount of practice in using and applying the basic tools that are developed. A brief introductory chapter provides motivation and perspective for the subject of signals and systems in general and our treatment of it in particular.