This book aims to investigate the concept of reproduction as it is imag-ined in speculative fiction. The focus is on reproduction in science fiction novels, short stories, films and young adult fiction. We investigate how speculative fiction deals with this topic and how it relates to previous concepts of reproduction. Reproductive methods, motherhood and par-enthood are …
In 2007,the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministe-rium für Bildung undForschung)instituted theKäte HamburgerInternational Cen-tres (KHK) with the purpose of advancinginnovative,interdisciplinary,and inter-nationallyvisible research in the social sciencesand the humanities. In the secondround of calls of proposals for KHK theMinistry widened the reach by funding twoc…
The compilation of this recipe book fits nicely with the main object of the Country Women’s Association of Victoria. That object is “to improve conditions by community service as they affect the welfare of women and children”. By growing fruits and veggies in our gardens we can be sure of eating fresh foods with the maximum nutritional values. Who could resist the appeal of a crunchy tur…
This chapter briefly describes the goal and general argument of the book, along with its theoretical framework and data collection, and introduces the Swedish case. First, we set the discussion of labour movements’ trade union revitalization and usage of social media—and particularly of YouTube—into the broader context of scholarly liter-at…
Di era globaliasi ini, menimba ilmu pengetahuan di perguruan tinggi sudah menjadi hal yang wajar. Bahkan sekarang ini semakin banyak orang Indonesia yang meneruskan pendidikan ke tingkat strata 2 dan strata 3 ke luar negeri. Negara-negara seperti Inggris, Prancis, Jerman, Jepang, dan Spanyol menjadi tempat tujuan untuk menimba ilmu. Namun, ada kalanya kita tidak dapat melanjutkan sekolah ke lua…
The belief in the existence of evil forces was part of ancient everyday life and a phenomenon deeply embedded in popular thought of the Greek world. Stemming from a conference held in Athens in June 2021, this volume addresses the apotropaia and phylakteria from different perspectives: via literary sources, archaeological material, and iconography.
Using in-depth interviews with veterinary students, Identity, Gender, and Tracking: The Reality of Boundaries for Veterinary Studentsexplores the experience of enrollment in an educational program that tracks students based on the species of animals that they wish to treat. The identity of a veterinarian is one characterized by care; thus, students have to construct different definitions of car…