The rise of civilization is synonymous with the creation of tools that extend the intel-lectual and physical reach of human beings [133]. The pinnacle of such endeavours isto replicate the flexible reasoning capacity of human intelligence within a machine,making it capable of performing useful work on command, despite the complexityand adversity of the real world. In order to achieve such Artif…
More than ever before, the Renaissance stands out as one of the defining moments in world history. Between 1400 and 1600, European perceptions of society, culture, politics and even humanity itself emerged in ways that continue to affect not only Europe but the entire world. In this wide-ranging exploration of the Renaissance, Jerry Brotton shows the period as a time of unprecedented intellect…
The purpose of the anthology is to provide stories with ample and accurate astronomy spanning a range of topics covered in introductory courses. Instructors in high school and college may find these stories useful, as some students may learn concepts more easily through story than from lecture. Fans of science fiction with good science should also enjoy these stories. Contributions include both…
As a starting point to the accounting process, a company identifi es the economic events relevant to its business. Examples of economic events are the sale of snack chips by PepsiCo, the provision of cell phone services by AT&T, and the payment of wages by Facebook. Once a company like PepsiCo identifi es economic events, it records those events in order to provide a history of its fi nancial …
The most comprehensive systematic transreligious theology is presented in Robert Cummings Neville’s three-volume Philosophical Theology. The first volume is called Ultimates and contains a précis of the whole. Neville establishes a metaphysical structure within which the various “ultimates” represented by or symbolized through various traditions find their place. His accomplishment, requ…
Bencana ekologis dari tahun ke tahun selalu terjadi di Indonesia. Banjir, longsor, kekeringan, dan kabut asap dari kebakaran hutan dan rawa gambut silih berganti mengintai dan mengisi hari-hari warga di penjuru Nusantara. Seakan tidak pernah mengambil pelajaran dari setiap krisis ekologis, sosial dan budaya, negara masih bertahan dengan paradigma pertumbuhan ekonomi berbasis industri ekstraktif…