In Annihilation (2014a), the first novel of Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach Trilogy, a territory known as Area X has been sealed off by a secret, military organization called Central. They have set up a military research station, the eponymous Southern Reach, and from this vantage, they are trying to both contain and explore an increasingly …
This book is for practising professionals and academics working in urban planning and international development: international project staff, trainers, urban development researchers and teaching staff in universities and polytechnics. Solid Waste Management and Recycling is unique in that it: -utilizes an 'integrated solid waste management perspective' in its analysis; -provides embedded cas…
In World War II, during the German occupation of Norway (AD 1940 – 1945), the German occu-pational forces established an airfield in the central parts of Ørland. The main part of the airfield was located at Vik. After the war, the Norwegian Air Force developed the airfield as a base for F16 jet fighters (Hovd 2004). In 2012, the Norwegian Parliament decided on investing in a…
Where phase I of the food redistribution project aimed at gaining a first view into the food redistribution activities and potentials in the Nor-dic countries,1 phase II aims at addressing some of the practical issues raised during phase I. The continuation of the project via a phase II was decided in October 2014 by the steering committee on the Nordic Food …
There can be no ‘neutral’ Schweitzer interpretation. Schweitzer’s thoughts changed over the years, as is the case with most human beings. He was too considered to make one-sided statements. Those that may, at first sight, seem so are qualified by context. He contextualised and balanced such statements with self-critique and an appeal to our conscience.African …
Although the global food system increasingly is viewed as unsustainable for human and planetary health, the policy pathways for transforming the status quo are often highly contentious. This book brings together inter-disciplinary scholars to analyze the political economy dynamics central to food system transformation and to identify pathways for enhancing the political feasibility of necessary…
COREMAP (Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program) lahir pada tahun 1998 sebagai sebuah proyek yang digagas untuk membantu pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan terumbu karang secara lestari. Upaya ini telah menghasilkan output, outcome, dan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kelestarian terumbu karang, padang lamun, dan mangrove di beberapa daerah Indonesia. Karena itu, COREMAP telah menghasilkan l…
For sheer havoc, there is no gale like a good northwester, when it roars in, through the long winter evenings, driving the spindrift before it between the rocky walls of the fjord. It churns the water to a froth of rushing wave crests, while the boats along the beach are flung in somersaults up to the doors of the grey fisher huts, and solid old barn gangways are lifted and sent flying lik…
Pada umur 40 tahun, seseorang akan mengalami reaksi psikologis tertentu sebagaimana pernah dialami saat masa muda. Jika sebelum umur tersebut terlalu disibukkan dengan pekerjaan serta rutinitas harian, maka sisa hidupnya akan berjalan datar, monoton, bahkan diliputi pesimisme. Atas dasar itulah, periode setengah baya perlu dipersiapkan dengan melakukan hal-hal positif setiap hari. Buku ini a…