Until the enf of the eighteenth century, two races of the wild horse Equus ferus, existed in Europe and the Russian steppes, and the Mongolian wild horse, or Przewalski's horse, in Mongolia wild horse, or Przewalksi's horse in Mongolia. These two races were the relics of vast populations of wild equines that inhabited virtually the whole of Europe, Asia, and North America at the close of the la…
The full scope of the New Testament highlights the reality that God hasn’t called and redeemed his people simply for their own benefit. He has chosen the church to change the world. Through the church, as believers gather in a community of faith, others get a glimpse of the way life is supposed to be. It is visible in the way husbands and wives treat each other, the way children are raised, a…
The study of signs, portents observed in the physical and social worlds indicating the will of supernatural agents and the course of future events, was undoubtedly important in all ancient cultures. The first written evidence for a concept of sign, however, comes from cuneiform texts of ancient Mesopotamia.
This unique book offers a Catholic view of the Holy Land in the debate that rages among Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Alain Marchadour and David Neuhaus, two biblical scholars and priests living in Jerusalem, clearly analyze the Promised Land—as concept, history, and contested terrain—in Catholic teaching and doctrine. They offer an analytical reading of the entire Christian Bible (Old and…
The ancient Greeks loved to hang around on the stoa, sip some wine, and debate. But at the end of the day, they wanted to sit back and decide who had won the argument. When Socrates claims that one statement follows from another, is it actually so? Shouldn't there be some set of rules to officially determine when an argument is correct? Thus began the formal study of logic. Many other areas of …
An account represents a document used to record all similar transactions. It consists of a title, a debit column, and a credit column. The left side of an account is the debit side, and the right side of the account is the credit side. The balance of an account is determined by subtracting the smaller sum (debit or credit) from the larger sum. Initially, all transactions are recorded in a journ…
In this fascinating book David Ingram traces the history of information technology and health informatics from its pioneers in the middle of the twentieth century to its latest developments. The book is distinctive in its broad scope and coverage and as the eyewitness account of an author who became the first UK professor appointed with the mission to bridge information technology with everyday…
In this fascinating book David Ingram traces the history of information technology and health informatics from its pioneers in the middle of the twentieth century to its latest developments. The book is distinctive in its broad scope and coverage and as the eyewitness account of an author who became the first UK professor appointed with the mission to bridge information technology with everyday…
How the challenge of depicting biological systems can generate productive questions for artists and scientists. An artist drawing cell division faces a problem: what is the best way to visually represent a dynamic process? This anthology, edited by an artist and a philosopher of science, explores drawing as a way of inquiring into living processes at the molecular, cellular, and organismal scal…