Song of Exile: A Cultural History of Brazil’s Most Popular Poem, 1846–2018 is the first comprehensive study of the influence of Antônio Gonçalves Dias’s “Canção do exílio.” Written in Coimbra, Portugal, in 1843 by a homesick student longing for Brazil, “Song of Exile” has inspired thousands of parodies and pastiches, and new variations continue to appear to this day. Every ge…
Entrepreneurship scholars have paid significant attention to the role of theory in their research. Indeed, publishing in most top entrepreneur-ship and management journals requires a paper to contribute to theory (Hambrick, 2007; Shepherd, 2010). Although some scholars question this dominant role of theory (Hambrick, 2007;Pfeffer, 2014), few disagree about…
The experience of the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated ongoing transactions between twenty-first-century biomedical and informational technologies. The sight of hundreds of millions worldwide submitting their bodies to experimental vaccines suggests that the modes of human security laid out by Michel Foucault in his Collège de France lectures may in fact have moved into a new ti…
The agent is the one that does things. There somehow in the midst of all the things that cause the agent to move, you find an agent in turn causing things. You find action. The agent displays activity.Those things that are not agents do nothing. There in the midst of all the things that cause them to move and that they in turn cause, you find . . . mere happenings, nothing else…
This description of bushwhacking is the Australian version of trailblaz-ing, and metaphorically, entrepreneurs can also be trailblazers—make a path through new or unsettled terrain upon which others may follow. That is, rather than follow the established path created by others, entrepreneurs often challenge the status quo by attempting to chart a new direction …
A successful translator sued a plagiarist for the uncanny simi-larity of some five lines in the latter’s recent edition of the com-plete poems of Rimbaud, the previous addition of which hav-ing earned the translator much of his reputation and present livelihood. The translator resented not only the plagiarism, he said before the court, but the velocity at …
This volume of collected studies takes stock of most recent developments in Egyptology and the Digital Humanities, considering future directions for the application of new technologies in Egyptology. The book presents the results of an international conference held in 2019 at Indiana University – Bloomington, in which Egyptologists and digital humanists with interest in Egyptology gathered in…
A skateboard is a four wheel mode of transportation made of multiple components. It has a wooden deck with grip tape applied to the top for better traction. This deck is mounted to two trucks. Trucks are the turning mechanisms of the skateboard that allow the skater to lean on one side of the deck or the other to turn the skateboard. Bearings are installed into the wheels, which are then applie…
How do people think? By understanding how people think, we can do a better job of explaining their actions. Both of us (the authors) were drawn to this topic in the extreme context of entrepreneurship. This context is extreme because the actions associated with entrepreneurship can have a substantial impact on the individual taking the actions, the economy, com-munities, the environment, and so…
This book presents an argument for the importance of circulation in the study of museum collections, past and present. Bringing together international researchers from a wide variety of disciplines (including the history of science, museum anthropology, archaeology, geography and postcolonial history) to consider the mobility of collections, we aim to provi…