This book is an exploration of the conjuncture of nature and artifice enacted in the figure of the neural network. In that project it joins a rich body of scholarship devoted to tracing the genealo-gies through which the biological and the technological have been variously constituted as opposites and as models for each other. As Haraway observes, however much the designed and engineered have a…
Across anticolonial discourse the mastery of the colonizer over the colo-nies was a practice that was explicitly disavowed, and yet, in their efforts to decolonize, anticolonial thinkers in turn advocated practices of mas-tery—corporeal, linguistic, and intellectual—toward their own liberation. Within anticolonial movements, practices of countermastery were aimed explicitly at defeating col…
Pig farming is a significant component of the livestock sector worldwide and pork is considered as a major traded commodity.
Gelombang panas amat mematikan yang semakin sering terjadi dan dapat berdampak serius bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan manusia. Saat gelombang panas melanda, yang paling rentan adalah yang paling terdampak. Dalam dekade terakhir, gelombang panas yang parah telah menyebabkan banyak kematian, termasuk lebih dari 400 kematian di Belanda pada tahun 2019, lebih dari 1.500 kematian di India pada tahu…
Mushrooms are being used as food since time immemorial. These have been considered as the delicacy. From the nutrition point of view mushrooms are placed between meat and vegetables. These are rich in protein, carbohydrate and vitamins. Mushrooms are low in caloric value and hence are recommended for heart and diabetic patients. They are rich in proteins as compared to cereals, fruits and veget…