Caring is Sharing? explores why and how mixed-sex couples make decisions around parental leave at the transition to parenthood, and how these decisions shape their work and family care practices during and after the leave period. It does this through a longitudinal qualitative comparative analysis of mixed-sex parent couples in England who do and do not share parental leave after the birth of t…
In early March of 2020, Americans watched with uncertain terror as the “novel coronavirus” pandemic unfolded in the coastal cities of Seattle and Boston as well as around the world. No one in the heartland state of Ohio had been infected—as far as we knew, given the scarcity of tests. One week later, on March 9, Ohio announced its first confirmed cases of the disease we now…
Rates of diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are skyrocketing, throughout America and the rest of the world. U.S. rates of youth diagnosis have increased 40% from just a decade ago. Adults with ADHD are now the fastest-growing segment of the population receiving diagnosis and medication. The disorder is painful and sometimes disabling for individuals and tremendously co…
This upsetting experience caused us to consider a problem often discussed: how lighting can completely change the viewer’s perception of a painting. Even if Tintoretto knew exactly what type of (natural) light there would be in the Scuola, and kept it in mind as he was painting his great teleri, his paintings nonetheless underwent some transformations over time — for example his c…
Longstanding residents—members of formerly migrant groups whose families had been in Marshall for over a generation—often told stories that compared their own families’ migrant histories with Mexican migrants’. Many of these stories described similarities between the narrators’ migrant ancestors and contemporary Mexicans. In the passage above …
The contributions collected in this volume deal with the complex history of the Indian deity Vi??u-N?r?yana. This conception of God evolved in various traditions in India, especially in South India, during the first millennium CE. The history of this development is reconstructed here by various means, including philological exegesis, the history of ideas, and iconographic evidence.
This Synthesis Report (SYR) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) summarises the state of knowledge of climate change, its widespread impacts and risks, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. It integrates the main findings of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) based on contributions from the three Working Groups, and the three Special Reports. The summary for Policymakers (SPM) is st…
The world is being redrawn. Lines that divide places and pages into discrete units likewise articulate relations of proximity and dis-tance. Whether it be where the panel meets the gutter or where two nations rub against each other, a border is a meeting place. Yet, in an age of global pandemic, climate collapse, and massive human displacement, conventional epistemologies …
ASTRONOMI DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN RUANG ANGKASA ( Halaman 1-284) Bagian ini membahas tentang jagad raya dan seluk beluknya, mulai dari langit, rahasia di ruang angkasa yaitu fenomena seperti bintang hantu dan kuasar, matahari dan benda-benda langit yang membentuk tata surya, cara astronot mempersiapkan diri ke ruang angkasa, hingga tentang kemungkinan kehidupan di planet lain dan tentang piring …