This book rebuts these erroneous ideas, but it does not replace them with idealized views of adulthood and old age. Rather, it paints an accurate picture of what it means to grow old today, recognizing that development across adulthood brings growth and opportunities as well as loss and decline. To begin, we consider the life-span perspective, which helps place adult development and aging into…
This book is about systems. It focuses on the engineering of systems, and upon systems analysis. In the first case, the concern is with improving systems already in existence. Topics presented in this book have been developed and organized into six parts. This book is intended for use in the classroom at either the undergraduate or graduate level or by the practicing professional in industry, b…
Trust Works! Empat Kunci untuk Membangun Hubungan yang Abadi. Ken Blanchard menerapkan perumpamaan kisah seekor kucing dan seekor anjing ke dunia nyata. Kedua binatang tersebut punya masalah dalam membangun hubungan. Namun, Ken mengungkapkan sebuah Model ABCD Kepercayaan dan menggunakannya untuk menyampaikan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan perselisihan, termasuk moral yang rendah, kesalahan k…