The shortage of affordable housing in cities is one of the most significant global challenges. It affects 1.6 billion people ( one- third of urban population) and is a key priority for policy change identified by the United Nations in the New Urban Agenda ( Tsenkova, 2016). Globally, cities and central governments have championed housing strategies and action plans, with a strong…
In Sacred Music in Secular Society, Jonathan Arnold highlights a strange phenomenon: ‘the seeming paradox that, in today’s so-called secular society, sacred choral music is as powerful, compelling and popular as it has ever been’.1 The explosion of new media through the internet and digital technology has created a new, broader audience for ‘the creative art of Renaissance polyphony …
Modern civilization is at a crossroads, at a potential inflection point in its historical evolution. The scientific community has advised that the window for decisive collective action to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions and avoid catastrophic impacts on people and the planet will close within a decade. The COVID-19 pandemic has created one of the worst health and socio-economic …
Humans are a walking species. We tread on the surface of the Earth. Without this primary mobility we would not be here and even when other means of getting around have become accessible, we don’t cease to walk. Our walking leaves traces. This is inevitable. No culture or civilisation or society can escape from this primordial mark-making. Some of these traces cluster and congregate into patte…
For scholars of the Arab world, the state remains an elusive, unsettled, and unsettling presence. Since mandatory and then independent states emerged in the Arab world in the aftermath of World War I, theorizing the Arab state has been a central preoccupation for generations of regional specialists. The gravitational pull of the state is not surprising. As a pr…
Discrepancies in biobank research regulations have commonly been regarded as one of the most significant hurdles for effective research collaboration. One of the more central aspects of biobank research regulation concerns the use of personal data—health and genetic data and other information related to individuals, either as indi-vidual research subjects or participants in a particular scien…
Traditional Scandinavian and Icelandic designs are given new life in the projects found in Nordic Knitting Traditions. 25 projects feature original floral, star, feather and geometric motifs, all knit in fresh and modern colors. With a diverse collection of hats, tams, mittens, gloves, socks, knee-highs and legwarmers, you'll find plenty of jaw-dropping, colorful accessories to knit for yoursel…
According to legend, the Jade Emperor called all twelve celestial animals to his palace to assign them their place in the zodiac. The Pig, a lazy if intelligent creature, was still in dreamland when the other eleven turned up to claim their places. He ended up last. And so 2019, the eventful Year of the Pig (coincidentally also marked by swine fever and a severe pork supply shor…
Large paperback edition with over 450 maps-200,000 words of text - 160 illustrations and diagrams - complete and authoritative
Issues arising from overtourism in many of the world’s major cities call into question the adage “bigger is better,” as do touristic desires for au-thentic, human-scale immersion in local life, culture, and knowledge. Overtourism accounts for many headlines, and some of these posit an alternate travel experience—for example, Elaine Glusac’s …