Layaknya manusia yang saling membantu agar tetap hidup, ilmu biologi dan ilmu lainnya dapat saling menolong agar menghasilkan pengetahuan yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan. Pemahaman yang baik tentang ilmu biologi memungkinkan pemberian pelayanan keperawatan yang cepat dan tepat. Pembahasan lebih lanjut tentang ilmu biologi dasar dan perkembangan, khususnya dalam bidang kesehatan (keperawatan), d…
Many difficulties stand in the way of anyone trying to explore the secrets of Indian cooking. People buy a cookbook but find the traditional recipes and methods can be disappointing when they produce a home cooked taste and not the distinct flavour of their favourite restaurant curries. This is not really surprising, as the art of restaurant cooking is a very closely kept secret, next to imposs…
The application of rhetorical and narrative approaches to science have been used to analyze the discourse of popular culture and how it relates to complex social phenomena such as the proliferation of pseudoscience or antipsychiatry. The rhet-oric of science studies how scientists—as part of a discursive community—frame and communicate their knowledge; what they argue about and how…