In response to the decline in the coffee industry in the late 1980’s and 1990’s the Coffee Research Institute (CRI) developed a number of ‘strategies’ to address the fall-off and compiled The PNG Coffee Handbook with a view to providing coffee growers and processors with the latest technical information generated by its research activities. The Handbook was produced as a loose leaf boo…
As we stand on the precipice of an escalating climate crisis, the relevance and importance of South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation (SSTIC) has never been more pronounced. SSTIC, as an international cooperative mechanism, holds a compelling potential to strategically address and limit climate breakdown. This publication seeks to outline the technical and economic dimensions of how S…
Agribusiness development is largely predicated on the adoption and utilization of advanced agricultural technologies. This includes precision farming methods, integrated pest management techniques, innovative irrigation systems, and technologies that facilitate value addition such as advanced processing and packaging methods. By leveraging SSTIC, UNIDO is encouraging the exchange and adaptatio…
As an indispensable axis of contemporary international cooperation, South-South and Triangular Industrial Cooperation (SSTIC) operates at the intersection of global value chains and sustainability. This strategic platform embodies an evolving paradigm, explicitly designed to foster the technical and economic prerequisites for the creation of sustainable supply chains. This publication elaborate…
Green Hydrogen represents a unique opportunity for the clean energy transition. Climate change is an existential threat to a sustainable future, but at the same time, facing up to the climate challenge is an opportunity to promote prosperity and a brighter future for all. Green hydrogen and its derivatives will play a vital role in the just energy transition. This collaboration between UNIDO, t…
London’s economy is both very specialised - in highly productive, export-oriented service sectors such as finance and insurance and advanced professional services – but also big enough to accommodate large numbers of jobs in most of the key employment sectors. Exports from the specialised sectors are a key driver of London’s trade surplus with the rest of the world. At the same time, Lond…
The economy has grown rapidly, with real per capita income doubling in the 12 years to 2013. Human development has improved, marked by a significant decline in poverty and gains across a range of socioeconomic variables. The key sectors of the economy have gone from strength to strength, with Cambodia now the world’s 8th largest rice exporter and Asia’s 10th largest garment producer. The to…
Most letters today will be written on a computer and printed. They should be on A4 paper and use only one side of the paper. If you are writing a letter by hand, only use a blue or black pen. There are different paper sizes that can be used for personal letters, and you can write on both sides of the paper. You should always use A4 paper for business letters. Below are the general rules for wri…
This brief provides a rigorous and standardized approach for value chain analysis and design (VCA/D).1 It assumes that a specific value chain (VC) has already been selected and describes how to complete the first two steps for its sustainable evelopment, namely analysing the VC and designing an upgrading strategy and development plan for it.2 The next step, beyond this brief, is the implementat…