ato san from Japan is a 90-year-old master of flower arrangement (ike-bana). She is still practising and also teaches her traditional craft from her Kyoto home. In the three years since she obtained a smartphone, it has become central to her work and life. Sato san arranges her students’ lessons via the messaging application LINE, on which she has over 100 …
History taking in rheumatology is the most impor-tant skill needed for proper handling of a patient with a rheumatological complaint. Obtaining a good history will help you to reach almost 90% of your diagnosis. However, history taking is mostly depending on experience and practice rather than theoretical recall. Here in this section, we provide you with the most important po…
In a remote village located on the shoreline of Pulau Laut, lived a married couple. The husband was named Ning Mundul. He was usually called Datu Ning Mundul despite his young age. In those days, the title Datu was a call of honor to a man deemed to have mastered considerable knowledgeable, both religious knowledge and supernatural powers. Ning Mundul was very down to earth. Despite his young …