“Whose heart does not wince in dismay to read about how a son,who had seen his father, his mother and his six brothers and sis-ters drown, spent nineteen hours lying on his stomach on a smallpile of hay, his hands and feet dangling in the water, and drivenabout by turbulent waves, while a married couple, after havinglost a mother and a sister, were subjected to forty-eight …
The ascomycete fungus Clonostachys rosea was reported as an aggressive mycoparasite in the late 1950s (Barnett and Lilly, 1962), and initial attempts to use it for biological control of plant diseases soon followed (Shigo, 1958). Since then, there has been a wealth of new knowledge emerging concerning the ecology, physiology and genetics of C. rosea, as well as concerning …
At a crucial crossroads between Africa and Europe, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, and the “Arab World” and the West, Morocco has long had a special place in U.S. diplomacy and strategic planning. Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (9/11), Morocco’s importance to the United States has only increased; in 2004, President George W. Bush designated the country as a “major…