After WWII, cinema was everywhere: in movie theatres, public squares, factories, schools, trial courts, trains, museums, and political meetings. Seen today, documentaries and newsreels, as well as the amateur production, show the kaleidoscopic portrait of a changing Europe. How did these cinematic images contribute to shaping the new societies emerging from the ashes of war, both in the Western…
his exhibition at the historic Victoria Gallery and Museum, Liverpool, comprises almost entirely of art works in the collection of Theresa Roberts, who is founder and owner of the Jamaica Patty Co. restaurant, based in Covent Garden, London.Theresa Roberts was born in Jamaica to parents who emigrated to the United Kingdom as part of the ‘Windrush Generation’: those who were invited by Briti…
Successive migration into the sub-continent of southern Africa² and habitation of the region by Khoikhoi, Bantu and European peoples, as well as subsequent physical, social and linguistic contact, resulted in the assimilation and acculturation of these speakers and the changes to their proper names. This is illustrated inter alia in the many place names deriving from naming elements …
Kegiatan usaha budidaya perairan atau akuakultur berkembang pesat seiring dengan peningkatan kebutuhan masyarakat akan protein hewani serta kemajuan industri kosmetik dan obat-obatan yang membutuhkan bahan baku rumput laut. Pada tahun 2007, untuk pertama kalinya, kegiatan Akuakultur memasok lebih dari 50% dari produk akuatik yang digunakan untuk konsumsi pangan secara langsung. Akuakultur secar…
The afternoon was clear. The children in Tampeuyan Village were playing outside. For the past few days, they had been cooped up inside because the rain had kept pouring. A clear afternoon like this was too good an opportunity to miss. Kosim ran as fast as he could, pursuing his friends. He only needed to touch one of them. Playing ‘It’ in the afternoon was a habit of those children. Every…
Seledri merupakan tanaman multimanfaat, baik untuk kecantikan maupun kesehatan. Buku ini hadir sebagai upaya untuk menyebarluaskan manfaat dari tanaman obat. Seledri merupakan tanaman aromatik, yang dapat digunakan untuk melebatkan rambut, mengurangi minyak di wajah, bahkan untuk membersihkan noda pada email gigi. Selain itu, seledri juga bermanfaat untuk peluruh air seni, antiseptik saluran k…