The creation of—or even the existence of—a “Pacific World” is a question that has preoccupied scholars to a much greater degree than existential doubts have bothered historians of other oceanic basins. Economic historian Eric Jones and colleagues have written that “there can be no meaningful history ofthe whole Rim or Basin [ofthe Pacific] since there…
Within any spiritual or religious tradition, nothing could seem more obvious than the reality of the unseen world. Gods demand attention. Spirits compel action. In a famous essay on religion’s cultural foundations, Clifford Geertz (1973, 118) wryly observed that when he asked a Balinese man who had gone into trance and performed as the goddess Rangda if the…
There is a great demand for renewable energy and a need to diversify the renewableenergy mix. This can easily be seen on the significant annual increase in globalinvestment in renewable energy, such as wind and solar. Wave energy has even beenadditionally stimulated in some countries as they recognise its benefits and greatpotential. The technology push came mainly in the form of public grants …
The autobiography of the fastest man of all time and a superstar whose talent and charisma have made him one of the most famous people on the planet. Whether you know Athletics or not, and even whether you know sport or not, chances are you know Usain Bolt. The fastest man on the planet, not just now but ever, Usain has won the hearts of people everywhere with his mind-blowing performances and…
Can friendship as a political practice offer enough traction to imagine a borderless world? The startling contemporary rise in aggressive ethno-nationalism and end-times ecological crises have the same root: an inability to be together with humans as much as the natural world. Matt Hern and Am Johal suggest that porous renditions of being-together animated by friendship can spark a repoliticiza…
The first edition of the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol Corporate Standard), published in September 2001, enjoyed broad adoption and acceptance around the globe by businesses, NGOs, and governments. Many industry, NGO, and government GHG programs1 used the standard as a basis for their accounting and reporting systems. Industry groups, such as the Intern…