Czerny’s closeness to Beethoven, and his extraordinary musical abilities, have tendedto encourage confidence in him as a reliable source of information about Beethoven’sexpectations for the performance of his music. But despite his obvious reverence forBeethoven’s works, closer scrutiny suggests that he adopted a progressive rather thancuratorial position towards them: perhaps his concern…
Fictional Practices of Spirituality provides critical insight into the implementation of belief, mysticism, religion, and spirituality into worlds of fiction, be it interactive or non-interactive. This first volume focuses on interactive, virtual worlds - may that be the digital realms of video games and VR applications or the imaginary spaces of life action role-playing and soul-searching prac…
This year marks 50 years since the least developed countries (LDCs) category was established by a United Nations General Assembly resolution, following research, analysis and advocacy work by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). This pivotal landmark comes as intergovernmental negotiations are taking shape for a new programme of action for the LDCs for the decade 202…