Dark Botany activates the material and sensorial wonder of plants—their energy, their mysterious allure, their capacities and skills, their independent might. In this Wunderkammer of critical plant studies essays and plant+artworks, the herbarium emerges as a site of multiple materialities and reflexive forms of counter-narrative. Herbaria specimens come alive as assemblages, telling truths a…
We are inspired by and support UCL’s programme to liberate the curriculum alongside other programmes with similar aims. Women are too often excluded in the history of science, and this book aims to recover the voices, works and experiences of women in the production of knowledge through primary sources. This book offers university lecturers and tutors a diverse range of …
ous êtes-vous déjà imaginé devoir communiquer avec un méde-cin ou un autre professionnel de la santé et des services sociaux dans une langue que vous ne parlez pas ou que vous ne parlez qu’occasionnellement ? Ceci est pourtant la réalité de plusieurs fran-cophones vivant dans les communautés francophones en situation linguistique minoritaire (CFSM). Il arrive, en effet, …
This open access book identifies various forms of heritage destruction and analyses their causes. It proposes strategies for avoiding and solving conflicts, based on integrating heritage into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It reflects on the identity-building role of heritage, on multidimensional conflicts and the destruction of heritage, and considers conflict-solving strategies …
Contemporary media history is a rapidly growing field that extends far beyond traditional studies of technology or institutions such as radio, film, and television. This volume expands the scope further still to analyse ephemeral, mundane phenomena long overlooked by media historiography. In eight original essays, the volume demonstrates the strengths of a broad concept of the media. The first …
Walaupun sudah susah payah merapikan rumah, apakah kertas-kertas terus saja bertumpuk dan pakaian harus terus anda jejalkan di lemari? Kenapa kita tidak bisa menjaga kerapian rumah? Marie Kondo memperkenalkan metode merapikan yang ampuh tiada duanya, KonMari. Keampuhan metode yang kini semakin marak diterapkan di Jepang dan telah dikemas dalam program televisi laris, "Tidy Up With KonMari!" in…
In this era of digital multiplicity, images are reproduced atdazzling speed and spread instantly across the globe, yet they trigger vastly different responses. Images are not sim-ply depictions; they become visible to beholders in the con-text of embodied, habitual practices of looking, display,and figuration — a visual regime. In pluralistic settingscharacterized by cultural and religious di…
The volume you have before you is the first edited collection specifically devoted to philosophy of astrophysics. Our primary aims in producing this volume have been to gather contemporary research in philosophy of astrophysics together in one place as both a reference resource for scholars already working in this subdiscipline and as an introduc…
In April 1933, at a small gathering at a meeting of the US National Committee of the International Scientific Radio Union (URSI), Bell Labs scientist Karl Guthe Jansky announced that he had detected 20.5 MHz (14.6 m) radio emis-sion from the Milky Way. Jansky used a novel directional antenna based on an invention by AT&T Bell Labs colleague, Edmond Bruce, that rotated every…
What remains with us after somebody’s death? In a poem from 1966, the Swedish poet and future Nobel laureate Tomas Tranströmer reflected on the ‘long, shimmering comet tail’ that the shock leaves behind, and which ‘keeps us inside’. Death has a comet tail, a tenden-cy to remain with us, sometimes for a very long time. Tranströmer also uses references to different media—the televis…