Shortly after three-o’clock on 28th July 2017, in a private room of a specialised hospice in suburban London, staffdisconnected the breathing machine that was keeping alive 11-month old infant, Charlie Gard. Lying on either side of him, his parents Connie Yates and Chris Gard held his hands, leaned close, and talked to him. They spoke to him of how proud they were of him. They saw him open hi…
Ada banyak cara untuk melukiskan seorang wanita: seorang anak, ibu, nenek, istri, pacar, wanita karier, sahabat, murid, guru, bos. Tetapi, persamaan yang tak bisa dilepaskan dari para wanita ini adalah: mereka memiliki hati untuk merasakan kelembutan cinta, menempa persahabatan seumur hidup, mengejar karier yang dipilih, membentuk kehidupan baru, bertanggung jawab tanpa kenal lelah atas pekerja…
Sebagian besar para peminum kopi sejati memulai hari dengan cangkir kopi panas-ritual yang dilakukan oleh jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Daya tarik kopi yang mengepul dan menghirup aroma kuatnya membangkitkan semangat kita untuk menghadapi segala suasana hati dan tantangan hidup. Dan, puncak kenikmatannya adalah ketika mencecap rasanya. Dengan antisipasi terjaga, pencinta kopi mengenali kekenta…
Integrating concepts from philosophical, anthropological, and astrobiological disciplines, Cosmos and Culture begins to explore the interdisciplinary questions of cosmic evolution.
At that time I had just published research indicating that the overwhelming majority of patients who had undergone multiple surgeries on noses that the patients already knew were normal had a 90% likelihood of childhood abuse or neglect, and that the chance of making those patients happy in one operation was only 3%.1 , 2 These are the desperate people tha…
The Dutch limes zone roughly comprises a 50 km wide strip in the middle of the Netherlands, stretching from the North Sea until Germany over a distance of approximately 150 km from west to east. To the north, the zone is bordered by the course of the Rhine, which was established as the northern frontier of the Roman Empire around the middle of the first century CE. The Romans never …
Global warming is arguably the most critical and controversial issue facing the world in the twenty-first century. This Very Short Introduction provides a concise and accessible explanation of the key topics in the debate: looking at the predicted impact of climate change, exploring the political controversies of recent years, and explaining the proposed solutions.
Covering topics such as foreign policy, the world economy, and globalization, this Very Short Introduction exemplifies the many disciplines that come together in the study of international events. Discussing not only the main academic theories, but also the practical problems and issues, Wilkinson considers key normative questions, such as how the international state system might be reformed so…
A remarkable structure sits on the west side of Manhattan. Although 111 Eighth Avenue is only eighteen floors high, it consumes an entire massive New York City block and was built with big things in mind. The building (see fig. 1.1), which contains 50 percent more square feet than the Empire State Building, was designed with elevators so large …
Chapters presented in this volume identify the commonalities of water management in societies across a wide range of ecological and cli-mate zones. This constructs a solid step towards the development of effective solutions to some acute water-related problems. A constant theme across time is the need for water, to fulfil which technologies have change…