Freshwater is sustaining life on our planet but is under increasing pressure due to popula-tion growth, increased water consumption and pollution as well as climate change. Facing freshwater scarcity is one of the major challenges of the 21st century and included in the Sustainable Development Goals as a fundamental target of the international community UN (2015). …
In many countries, the political backlash against neoliberalism has mainly been a retreat from democracy, with a decline in independence of the judiciary and the monetary authorities, increased control of the media, and manipulation of elections for purposes of authoritarian control. The economic dynamics and the impact of neoliberalism, i.e. deregulation and liberalized markets, is just one ca…
Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is a multidisciplinary research field that integrates disciplines such as engineering, psychology, sociology, philosophy, and more1. Collaboration between different disciplines is necessary to achieve goals (such as developing robotic systems for human-aware navigation), but can be com-plicated as each discipline has a different jargon, uses different methods, and …
Water is not only the beginning of all things, as the old Greeks had alreadyrealized, but without water, no life on earth is possible, and clean water is also aprecondition for any form of sustainable development. There is enough availablefreshwater on earth (about 91,000 km3) to supply every individual on earth (about7.5 billion in 2020) approx. 12,000l, more than enough to live decently. Howe…
In recent decades, there has been a certain scepticism about earlier analyses of the indigenous religions of Fennoscandia that compared, for example, Sami and Scandinavian traditions and asked questions almost exclusively about origin. This is now changing and the leading researcher in the new endeavour of com-paring and relating Old Norse and Sami religious tradition…
A huge variety of terrestrial and aquatic species are included in this class, with over 5000 species recorded worldwide. All mammals share a basic feature: the presence of mammary glands that produce milk to feed their offspring. In contrast to birds, fish and reptiles, mammals have hair or fur. This may sometimes be barely visible or only present in newborn animals. Mammals also have a region …
Water is not only the beginning of all things, as the old Greeks had alreadyrealized, but without water, no life on earth is possible, and clean water is also aprecondition for any form of sustainable development. There is enough availablefreshwater on earth (about 91,000 km3) to supply every individual on earth (about7.5 billion in 2020) approx. 12,000l, more than enough to live decently. Howe…
Environmentalists today worry about a newly felt sense of impermanence around places in which we live, arguing that we live in archipelagic, discon-nected dwelling places in a time of increasing travel, migration across and among continents, and the construction of mass-market ‘non-spaces’ (Buell 2005: 63) such as fast-food joints and airports, indistinguishable one from another. Ecologists…
The journey motif is what enables Melville’s Ishmael to assert his independence, just as it helps Huck Finn escape from the constric-tions of Southern society, an unjust and restrictive social order. This legendary motif functions as a characteristic element in the literary construction of American experience – and of the United States as a distinct geographic and cultural space. …
A beginning. Where are my manners? I could introduce myself properly, but it’s not really necessary. You will know me well enough and soon enough, depending on a diverse range of variables. It suffices to say that at some point in time, I will be standing over you, as genially as possible. Your soul will be in my arms. A color will be perched on my shoulder. I will carry you gently away. At t…