In traditional societies, undoubtedly the most common conception of the figure of the Earth was that the Earth is a flat disc extending to the horizon, with the sky curving like a dome over her. On the inner surface of the dome, the celestial bodies describe their complicated orbits. Children also have generally the same conception. Only with formal education does this “naïve world model” …
The most comprehensive systematic transreligious theology is presented in Robert Cummings Neville’s three-volume Philosophical Theology. The first volume is called Ultimates and contains a précis of the whole. Neville establishes a metaphysical structure within which the various “ultimates” represented by or symbolized through various traditions find their place. His accomplishment, requ…
Luas hutan mangrove Indonesia sekitar 3 juta hektar yang mewakili 23 % keseluruhan ekosistem mangrove dunia. Kita kehilangan hampir separuh dari luas mangrove dalam tiga dekade terakhir. Lamun (sea grass) dan terumbu karang (coral reef) mengalami hal yang sama. Ini adalah potret bahwa pesisir Indonesia sepanjang 95.000 km sangatlah rentan terhadap kerusakan lingkungan. Perkembangan penduduk yan…
Ki Hajar Dewantara lahir pada 2 Mei 1889 di Yogyakarta dengan nama RM Soewardi Soerjaningrat (SS), putra GPH Soerjaningrat, atau cucu Sri Paku Alam III. Dari genealoginya SS adalah keluarga bangsawan Pakualaman. Sebagai bangsawan Jawa, SS mengenyam pendidikan ELS (Europeesche Lagere School) – Sekolah Rendah untuk Anak-anak Eropa. Kemudian SS mendapat kesempatan masuk STOVIA (School tot Opleid…
When a blizzard strands them in Salt Lake City, two strangers agree to charter a plane together, hoping to return home; Ben Payne is a gifted surgeon returning from a conference, and Ashley Knox, a magazine writer, is a route to her wedding. But when unthinkable tragedy strikes, the pair find themselves stranded in Utah's most remote wilderness in the dead of winter, badly injured and miles fro…