The Angkorian World explores the history of Southeast Asia’s largest ancient state from the first to mid-second millennium CE. Chapters by leading scholars combine evidence from archaeology, texts, and the natural sciences to introduce the Angkorian state, describe its structure, and explain its persistence over more than six centuries. Comprehensive and accessible, this book will be an indis…
The farming and agricultural robotics industries are inextricably linked. This connection is reinforced every year at the FIRA International Forum of Agricultural Robots, where, inevitably, there are new players and new problems, bigger goals and better solutions.As the circumstances change, the innovators, disruptors, regulators and users change, too. This growth depends on everyone’s abilit…
This open access book identifies various forms of heritage destruction and analyses their causes. It proposes strategies for avoiding and solving conflicts, based on integrating heritage into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It reflects on the identity-building role of heritage, on multidimensional conflicts and the destruction of heritage, and considers conflict-solving strategies …
The personages of Steinberg all look like someone I know (I’m sure of it) but I can’t recall their name. Who is it? Where have I seen that face, that odd stance? I struggle with my memory, as if in a dream where its precision (and not the blur, contrary to what one believes) makes me the enigma. Steinberg does not reveal a schema; each time it is a figure, subtle and penetrating, …
In 1864, when he was in his early 40s, the sceptical John Tyndall, physicist and emerging public intellectual, attended a séance. He wrote an amusing account of the episode in The Reader magazine, in which he reported that the spirits had dubbed him ‘The Poet of Science’.1 In this guise he preceded his friend Alfred Tennyson, who was not so described until after h…
Classical Newtonian physics can be used to describe atmospheric behavior. Namely, air motions obey Newton’s laws of dynamics. Heat satisfies the laws of thermodynamics. Air mass and moisture are conserved. When applied to a fluid such as air, these physical processes describe fluid mechanics. Meteorology is the study of the fluid mechanics, physics, and chemistry of Earth’s atmosphere. Th…