This is the Open Access edition of Global Focus from the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). Global Focus has become one of the most authoritative resources for in-depth analysis and updates on international management development. With features, topical reports, thought leadership and insight from leading experts from academia, business schools, companies and consultancies, …
M -? -? (?–??), was called Georges Méliès, was the most accomplished filmmaker of cinema’s first decade, and one of its most prolific. (Hereafter, I refer to him by his surname only, unlike other members of the Méliès family.) When I set out to write a book about Méliès, I imagined it as a comprehensive study of the entirety of Méliès…
Jeremy Bentham’s writings on Australia, new authoritative editions of which are now published in a volume entitled Panopticon versus New South Wales and other writings on Australia1 in The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham, have had a profound and enduring influence across a number of fields. For instance, according to the historian John Gascoigne, s…
An essential teaching companion offering practical strategies for enhancing learning for all teachers of history in higher education. The study of the eighteenth century has been a growth area in university research and teaching in recent decades. Although widely taught in history departments, the eighteenth century also presents challenges, including new students’ unfamiliarity with the peri…
The family Iridoviridae currently contains fi ve genera, two of which infect invertebrates ( Iridovirus and Chloriridovirus ) and three that infect only ectother-mic vertebrates ( Lymphocystivirus , Megalocytivirus , and Ranavirus ; Jancovich et al. 2015a ). Lymphocy stiviruses and megalocytiviruses only infect fi sh, whereas, as indicated above, r…
Technology in policy discourses is frequently cited as pivotal for ameliorating the global ‘crisis’ in care, delivering positive outcomes, and is increasingly part of care provision and arrangements across the world. This Policy Press Short will explore how, in different national contexts, technology is being deployed to contribute to the sustainability of care relationshi…
Things got better after my first months in the city. I made a few friends, got a job through the new AmeriCorps program at a high school on the Lower East Side, and hung around with radi-cal environmental activists who wondered why anybody would leave New Hampshire for New York. But I was still unmoored. By my third year at NYU, I realized the world of professional theater was not…
In this book, we have attempted to break new ground. Our study is unique in several respects: not only does it produce a set of maps for a remote and poorly known area of Australia, but also the distributional point data of each species are integrated and compared with the spatial distribution of their larval food plants. The geographic range of each …
To consider comedy in its many incarnations is to raise diverse but related questions: what, for instance, is humour, and how may it be used (or abused)? When do we laugh, and why? What is it that writers and speakers enjoy - and risk - when they tell a joke, indulge in bathos, talk nonsense, or encourage irony?
How online affinity networks expand learning and opportunity for young people Boyband One Direction fanfiction writers, gamers who solve math problems together, Harry Potter fans who knit for a cause. Across subcultures and geographies, young fans have found each other and formed community online, learning from one another along the way. From these and other in-depth case studies of online affi…