Featuring a wealth of never-before-published NASA photographs, charts, stories, and contributions by NASA astronauts and experts, A Visual Encyclopedia is a comprehensive exploration of space from our nearest planets and stars to far-off galaxies. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
To identify and better understand challenges and best practices and to cull recommendations, we developed, in partnership with the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, a two-part survey that was sent to all 52 CHC members of the Mass League. The first part addressed issues around recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce; the second part assessed demographics for both patients a…
On February 12, 1786, a letter to the editor appeared in the Affiches du Beauvaisis that described how readers interacted with the newspaper. The anonymous writer explained to the editor, “Your weekly papers are a sort of literary arena, where every athlete should have the right to present oneself, to choose an adversary and to combat them, without however, straying f…