International humanitarian law (IHL), now synonymous for many withjus inbello, is the branch of international law that governs the conduct of war. Eventhough the main instruments of IHL have been universally ratified, however,and IHL is perhaps the most effective means so far developed to limit theeffects of war, it is notoriously difficult to implement and enforce (Sassòli2007, 46–47; Bartl…
The Brain: A Very Short Introduction provides a non-technical introduction to the main issues and findings in current brain research and gives a sense of how neuroscience addresses questions about the relationship between the brain and the mind. Short, clear discussions on the mechanical workings of the brain are offered and the details of brain science are covered in an accessible style. Expla…
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to understanding and managing your diabetes. Silver Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Awards (Health & Fitness) by the Independent Book Publishers Association; Winner of the Best Book Award (Health: Medical Reference) by the American Book Fest; Silver Winner of Book Award (Education) by the National Health Information Awards Diabetes Head to Toe is an inval…
he town of Taym?? amid the deserts of North Arabia is famous for having been the residence of the last king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, Nabonidus (556–539 BCE), for approximately ten years from 553 to 543 BCE.1 Despite its important position as a trading centre, situated within the network of caravan roads running from South Arabia to the north into the Levant and to the east into Babylonia…
Packaged Plants offers an absorbing ethnography and cultural history of how the production and consumption of plants for food and medicine has gone through ‘metabolic rifts’, increasingly processed into commodities with adverse impact on health and aggravating existing economic and social inequities. The book also describes ultra-processed foods that are linked to metabolic syndrome, includ…
Rapid advances in AI technologies have generated intense interest and debate about their potential to reshape industries and societies. This book compiles academic papers from "The Economic Perspective of Artificial Intelligence (EPEAI)" conference held at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences in Germany, in March 2023. The authors explore the economic dimensions of AI, shedding light on…
Renowned scholar Jacques Godechot is, indeed, correct in stating that by the end of the 18th century, the Bastille had emerged as more than just a prison. The infamous site had become a reminder of a feudal system that had grown increasingly obsolete, given its arbitrary power. The storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, is regarded as dec…
We regard Economic Theory as a collection of models, each viewed as a storyor a fable rather than as a testable scientific model to be verified or refuted(seeRubinstein(2012)). Models in Economic Theory are “useful” in the samesense that fables are.Perhaps, there is no boy who literally “cried wolf”,but we nevertheless tell the story to teach our children about…
As one of the most enduring icons of economic life, money has been a common feature and central focus in complex societies from antiquity to the present. Arguably, it gained weight as a key feature of Mediterranean economies in the course of the first millennium BC, mostly in the form of coinage. But money is more than just coin, and its significance more pervasive than just to the…
In 2007,the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministe-rium für Bildung undForschung)instituted theKäte HamburgerInternational Cen-tres (KHK) with the purpose of advancinginnovative,interdisciplinary,and inter-nationallyvisible research in the social sciencesand the humanities. In the secondround of calls of proposals for KHK theMinistry widened the reach by funding twoc…