This collection gathers the contributions of ten scholars on the topic of transnational cultural and physical mobility originating in China. These contributions aim to open conversations among Chinese Studies scholars by applying a Mobility Studies perspective. Exploring diverse narratives and forms of representation from people of Chinese heritage, the book is divided into three parts that eac…
n little more than a decade, Turkish serials have grown from being simply a popular television format in Türkiye, to solidifying their place within international popular culture, having won the hearts of audiences across the globe.1This book explores a significant development in television that started with Turkish dramas taking Arab screens by storm, and later expanding …
Ambiguity is the “co-existence of two or more meanings” that do not have to be mutually exclusive but that still have to be clearly distinct from one another (“Conceptual Framework” n.pag.; cf. also Winter-Froemel and Zirker 285). One would assume that annotations – be they written by editors or by authors themselves – are the last place in a literary work where one wo…
Professionals working with cultural heritage preservation have had to respond to difficult challenges in the last few decades, mainly brought about by globalisation, armed conflicts, natural disasters and the use of heritage as an ultimate resource to redress injustices of the past. The topics and experiences discussed in this book demonstrate that conservators may …
The digitisation boom of the last two decades, and the rapid advancement of digital tools to analyse data in myriad ways, have opened up new avenues for humanities research. This volume discusses how the so-called digital turn has affected the field of Jewish Studies, explores the current state of the art and probes how digital developments can be harnessed to address the specific questions, ch…
As a result, a unique amalgam was formed. On the one hand, the Alpha-betical Odyssey is a guide showing the breadth of the creative field of children’s literature that blends the ancient and the modern for readers of all ages, thereby making it possible for them to travel beyond time, to learn about new things, but also to rediscover what may already seem familiar. Short chapters on clas-sica…
Food issues. Interdisciplinary Studies on Food in Modern and Contemporary East Asia concentrates on the relationship among food, culture, literature, and language in a comparative, transcultural, or literary perspective. The contributions investigate these aspects from different approaches: historical, sociological, anthropological, religious, linguistic, and want to deepen issues such as the s…
Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Politik membahas konsep-konsep seperti politik, kekuasaan, dan pembuatan keputusan. Di sini, para mahasiswa serta masyarakat umum yang berminat pada dunia ilmu politik juga bisa mempelajari fungsi undang-undang dasar, kelompok-kelompok politik, dewan perwakilan rakyat, demokrasi, serta hak-hak asasi manusia. Perbedaan signifikan edisi revisi ini dengan edisi sebelumnya bukan h…