The coup in Myanmar on 1 February 2021 abruptly reversed a decade-long flirtation with economic and political freedoms. The country has since descended into civil war, the people have been plunged back into conflict and poverty, and the state is again characterised by fragility and human insecurity. As the Myanmar people oppose the regime and fight for their rights, the international community …
Variations in national and airport-specific governance arrangements can be justified due to differing local circumstances. However, in many cases the governance applied is simply the result of an airport’s history. As a consequence, it is often unclear to decision-makers whether and when specific governance arrangements should or should not be applied. The lack of properly designed governance…
Accounting for a substantial amount of economic activity in the United States, not-for-profits are an undeniable force in the business world, even though their focus on goals other than profit falls outside the traditional model of a for-profit business. But it is this shift away from a focus on profit that allows them to pursue missions of social improvement and contributions to society as a w…
Unit Empat Mekanisme Evolusi 22 Penurunan dengan Modifikasi: Pandangan Darwin tentang Kehidupan 4 23 Evolusi Populasi 22 24 Asal-usul Spesies 43 25 Sejarah Kehidupan di Bumi 64 Unit Lima Sejarah Evolusioner Keanekaragaman Hayati 26 Filogeni dan Pohon Kehidupan 96 27 Bakteri dan Archaea 118 28 Protista 139 29 Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan I: Bagaimana Tumbuhan Mengolonisasi Daratan 165 30 Ke…
1 Pengantar: Tema-tema dalam Ilmu Hayati Unit Satu Kimia Kehidupan 2 Konteks Kimiawi Kehidupan 3 Air dan Lingkungan yang Cocok bagi Kehidupan 4 Karbon dan Keanekaragaman Molekular Kehidupan 5 Struktur dan Fungsi Molekul Biologis Berukuran Besar Unit Dua Sel 6 Menjelajahi Sel 7 Struktur dan Fungsi Membran 8 Pengantar Metabolisme 9 Respirasi Selular: Memanen Energi Kimia 10 Fotosintesi…