The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all member states ofthe United Nations in 2015, is a shared blueprint for people and the planet,intending to achieve peace and prosperity for all. The Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) is a call to action, to develop innovative solutions to some of theworld’s most complex, societal, and environmental challenges. Businesses play acrucia…
Lynda Mugglestone's hugely popular The Oxford History of English is now updated and entirely reset in a new edition featuring David Crystal's new take on the future of English in the wider world. In accounts made vivid with examples from a vast range of documentary evidence that includes letters, diaries, and private records, fifteen scholars trace the history of English from its ancient Ind…
This book project examines global forest monitoring as a means to understand the promises and problems of global visualization for climate management. Specifically, the book focuses on Global Forest Watch, the most developed and widely available forest-monitoring platform, created in 1997 by the World Resource Institute. Forest maps are always political as they visualize power relations and for…