In a seaside village, its dwellers who mainly worked as fishermen had prosperous life. The sea provided them unlimited supply of fish. It was more than adequate for their own consumption, so they also sold it to other villages. The village was then known as fish producer. In addition to beautiful ocean, there was also a mountain called Mount Eriwakan in the village. The mountain possessed imme…
Once upon a time, at the banks of Batanghari River (located in what became Mersam Sub-District, Batanghari Regency nowadays), there was a village called Paseban. It was one of the villages with strong Melayu Jambi culture. Paseban was a prosperous and peaceful village. It was rich with natural resources, particularly from fishing and farming. The people lived harmoniously, always respecting e…
The province of Papua is the easternmost and the largest province in Indonesia. The province comprised of mountains and jungle. It was said that in a time long, long ago there was a mount called Mount Rongkwri in Papua
Kabupaten Tambrauw yang terletak di wilayah Kepala Burung Papua (Vogelkop) telah ditetapkan sebagai kabupaten konservasi. Hal ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan potensi pariwisata di daerah tersebut, sekaligus sebagai usaha untuk mendidik masyarakat untuk semakin peduli lingkungan. Meskipun demikian, usaha untuk menggali potensi keanekaragaman hayati di wilayah Tambrauw belum banyak dilakukan. Ol…