Clays and clay minerals are very important industrial minerals. There are well over one hundred documented industrial applications of clay materials. Clays are utilized in the process industries, in agricultural applications, in engineering and construction applications, in environmental remediations, in geology, and in many other miscellaneous applications. This book is an assimilation of the …
Buku ini memberikan mahasiswa kedokteran dasar-dasar ilmu biokimia dengan cara yang menarik dan relevan. Dalam buku yang ringkas tetapi komprehesif ini, tercakup studi kasus terbaru, diskusi mengenai penyakit-penyakit biokimia dan informasi klinis. * Terdapat pula informasi mengenai keadaan medis yang menjadi prevalensi, mencakup hiperkolesterolemia, obesitas, dan diabetes melitus. * Memberi …
Quality set Printed in Italy, this set features gold leaf page edges, good paper, and lush illustrations. Front cover quote "The Book of Art Set is designed as an intro to the visual arts: painting, drawing, and sculpture. It provides a comprehensive survey, in 10 volumes of one of the most creative aspects of human effort, especially organized for the reader who does not have an extensive know…