owever, in their eagerness to have these volumes read and stud-ied, Dunn and Morris miss how formative the short story is to such books, so much so that Rolf Lundén argues for short story com-posite. His study rightly attends to the tensions between unity and fragmentation that distinguish the genre, and he argues that not every such volume features cyclicality …
The arts offer tremendous potential for enriching, enlivening and propelling learning that transforms individuals and communities. Arts learning fuels transformative education that helps increase students’ capacity and motivation to build a more peaceful and sustainable world. However, to fully realize that potential, teachers must mindfully structure and support educational experiences to op…
The study is intended to inform developing EU-level waste policy, in terms of climate change impacts only. Climate change impacts are only one of a number of environmental impacts that derive from solid waste management options. Other impacts include health effects attributable to air pollutants such as NOx , SO2 , dioxins and fine particles, emissions of ozonedepleting substances, contaminatio…
In his day, Raphael Cilento was one of the most prominent and controversial figures in Australian medicine. As a senior medical officer in the Commonwealth and Queensland governments, he was an active participant in public health reform during the inter-war years and is best known for his vocal engagement with public discourse on the relationship between hygiene, race and Australian nationhood.…
Funding development requires access to financial resources. While this causal-ity is commonsense, the underlying complexity and struggle has accompanied international development organizations ever since they were founded. The objective of the 2020 aiib Legal Conference and the 4th Volume of the aiibYearbook of International Law is to take stock. Taking stock requires us t…
n the wake of the so-called ‘Arab Spring,’ Occupy, and Anonymous move-ments, attention has increasingly been paid to the intersection of politics and the internet. In the popular media, commentators such as Roger Cohen of the New York Times took a technological determinist approach, as he declared Face-book founder Mark Zuckerberg to be the true leader of the protests spreading a…
In 1850, an epidemic swept America—but instead of leaving victims sick with fever or flu, this epidemic involved a rabid craze for the music of Swedish soprano Jenny Lind. American showman P. T. Barnum (who would later go on to found the circus now known as Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey), a shrewd marketer and self-made millionaire, is credited with spreading “Lindomania” through a s…
The academic landscape is broad and fickle; academic fields, disciplines, and teach-ing perspectives always shift and change. In these academic places, identities, and communities overlap and work together. This book holds space for identities that are often undervoiced in academia. The perspectives of the contributors serve as models for how artists work within communit…
For most college students, an Introduction to Philosophy course is their first encounter with the study of philosophy. Unlike most of your other courses, philosophy is not something usually covered in high school. Yet you are probably familiar with the term philosophy and may have some preconceived notion about what philosophy is and what philosophers do. Perhaps you have stayed up late at nig…
Pengajaran hak asasi manusia di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia hingga saat ini masih sangat didominasi oleh pendekatan filosofis dan kultural. Dalam pendekatan yang demikian, pengajaran hak asasi manusia lebih ditekankan pada perbincangan mengenai isu-isu pendasaran konsep hak asasi manusia, asal-usul dan justifikasinya (baik segi legal maupun kultural) yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dari konteks po…