The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an international organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. GGGI interventions are premised on the promise of green growth—a simultaneous advancement of economic growth, environmental sustainability, poverty reduction, and social inclusiveness.…
This module provides an overview of action planning, including the seven-step action planning process and developing an action plan. Following an instructor demonstration, participants create a written action plan for a non corrections topic. The Action Plan Workbook and end-ofprogram assignment are introduced and explained.
Advances in UAE Archaeology details the results of new excavations conducted across the United Arab Emirates over the last few years. These excavations have revealed a wealth of new data on all periods of UAE archaeology from the Palaeolithic to the recent past. Some of these discoveries have filled in important gaps in our knowledge, while others have fundamentally revised what we thought we k…
Rice is cultivated in tropical Asia (South and Southeast Asia) over an area of about 88.7 million ha, with an annual total production of nearly 183.8 million tons of rough rice, an average productivity of 2.7 t/ha (Table 1). Only 14% of the rice area in tropical Asia supports 2 crops of rice per year under irrigation. The remaining riceland is entirely rainfed, with varying water regimes. In ar…
There are many factors to be considered in selecting a crop for production. A farmer’s previous experience producing a crop, or the availability of a contract for the purchase of a crop are certainly factors in the decision. However, there are two factors which always must be considered. However, from a practical standpoint the number of years and crops to include in a crop rotation will dep…
Think of your daily activities. Which activity is so important you should devote one-third of your time to doing it? Probably the first things that come to mind are working, spending time with your family, or doing leisure activities. But there’s something else you should be doing about one-third of your time—sleeping. Many people view sleep as merely a “down time” when their brains shu…
President Thomas Jefferson created the U.S. Survey of the Coast in 1807 to provide nautical charts to support safe shipping, national defense, and demarcation of maritime boundaries for the young nation. Two centuries later, The Office of Coast Survey—now an office within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Ocean Service (NOS)—continues to provide navigat…