The whole idea of cricket is to score more runs than the opposition. But, you can't do that if you are back in the pavillion. It is important that a batsman's game is built around a solid defence and technical proficiency. No player has all the shots, but he should be able to handle deliveries that test his weakter areas safely.
The tourism sector is a major driver of economic growth and an engine for job creation. In recent decades, it has experienced continued expansion and diversification and has become one of the largest and fastest-growing economic sectors globally. 3 Sustainable tourism can have a positive impact on the livelihoods of women and men, lift communities out of poverty, drive prosperity and generate e…
The Landsat program consists of a series of optical/infrared remote sensing satellites for land observation. The program was first started by The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1972, then turned over to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) after it became operational. Since 1984, satellite operation and data handling were managed by a commercial c…
Indonesia recently passed Law No 8 /2016. This law follows the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities in 2011 and commits the Indonesian government to the eradication of discrimination against people with disabilities and to actively work to support and provide services to this segment of the population. It also espouses the principle that public programs be…
The total time required for development of a sunflower plant and the time between the various stages of development depends on the genetic background of the plant and the growing environment. The average development of a large number of plants should be considered when determining the growth stage of a sunflower field. Later in the season, for stages R-7 through R-9, use healthy, disease-free h…
Organic pig producers face the major challenge to produce pig meat of high quality and at a moderate price based on high animal health and welfare standards. To meet this challenge, farmers cannot rely on organic housing and production regulations solely, as these do not inevitably result in a good animal health and welfare status of the pigs.
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L) has high productivity per unit area and its versatility in utilization makes it the second most important food crop in Kenya after maize. Potatoes are grown twice annually (long and short rains) and it is estimated 1.5 million tonnes are produced on about 161,000 hectares of land. This is worth between Ksh 40-50 billion each year and compares well with annual maize …
This document provides guidance for designing ILO initiatives in countries affected by fragility and conflict. These include countries or regions subject to tensions or at risk of conflict or violent unrest, or where criminal violence threatens people’s security on a significant scale. It outlines how to use a peace and conflict analysis (PCA) to ensure that programmes and projects are confli…
The aspiration for social justice, through which every working man and woman can claim freely and on the basis of equality of opportunity their fair share of the wealth that they have helped to generate, is as great today as it was when the ILO was created in 1919. As the ILO celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2019, the importance of achieving social justice is ever more pressing, with the ris…
This book is meant to give you the basic knowledge needed to achieve these goals. This book is included with several of our models, so the descriptions and pictures may not exactly match the machine you have bought. The exercises described can all be performed on your machine, although in some cases, only if you have purchased optional attachments. We have included descriptions of 52 different…