dia stands tall as a space power!” tweeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi just weeks before securing a second, spectac-ular landslide win in India’s general election in Spring 2019 by an even bigger margin than many had expected. Minutes earlier, he had announced in a rare televised speech that India had just succeeded in shooting down one of its own sate…
The product that most people first associate with bees is honey, although beekeeping generates much more than just honey. The maintenance of biodiversity and pollination of crops are the most valuable services provided by bees. Honey is just one of several different products that can be harvested: others are beeswax, pollen and propolis, royal jelly and venom, and the use of bees in apitherapy,…
In 1864, when he was in his early 40s, the sceptical John Tyndall, physicist and emerging public intellectual, attended a séance. He wrote an amusing account of the episode in The Reader magazine, in which he reported that the spirits had dubbed him ‘The Poet of Science’.1 In this guise he preceded his friend Alfred Tennyson, who was not so described until after h…