I 2006 the tactical media collective Ubermorgen gained access to Amazon’s digital library, capturing more than three thousand copyright-protected books sold on the site by manipulating its “Search Inside the Book” feature.1Unleashing a series of software applications known as “bots,” Ubermorgen sent five thousand to ten thousand requests per book and reassembled them into pdfs that we…
History, genres, world cinemas, A-Z of directors, top 100 movies.
Twenty years ago, very few music scholars examined Broadway musicals. If musicologists were a bit slow to approach the musical theater reper-toire (and they were), theorists and analysts arrived—and are only now arriving—more than fashionably late to the party. We hope that this vol-ume loudly announces that we are here.Music theorists care about musical theater. We kn…
In the contemporary context of social rights and activist movements such as those associated with combatting sexual harassment, gun and knife crime or climate change, we can observe a typical pattern of public responses. These movements offer voices to those who are marginalised, and indeed provide the confidence needed for many people to stand up for specific issues. This, …
What is the state of our forests and forest soils today? How have they changed overthe past 20 years? What actions have had an effect on their status and how? What arethe risks that continue to play a role or become relevant in the future? The presentreport based on the National Forest Soils Inventory (NFSI) as well as on case studiesfrom Intensive Forest Monitoring sites in Germany (see below)…
Many children and adults experience considerable difficulty producing or understanding a spoken language despite having adequate hearing levels. Some of these persons may benefit from learning a full and genuine sign language, such as one of the sign languages used by members of a Deaf1 community. They may acquire a substantial vocabulary of signs and learn to combine them into complex s…
Historically, schools of higher learning were referred to as stadium generale or universitas; titles conferred by the Pope of the day, with the latter being the higher honor. This early association with religion can still be seen in the similarities between academic dress and church robes. However, the early schools were not religious orders as a rule, but rather scholastic guilds made up of st…
This holds true even more today than in 2009 with the exponential use of social media as an information sourced by patients and clinicians alike. Since its first publication, this book has been the go to resource for accurate knowledge in common and urgent dermatological problems. Its essential role in supporting their workplace learning is highlighted by the 8,843 downloads and 50,000 requests…
The present volume does not generally focus on the question of whether thoughts (cognition) or feelings (emotion) are more functional. Rather, this introductory material is sufficient to make the case that, typically, thoughts and feelings are seen to be distinct entities with distinct effects (e.g., Epstein, 1994). Yet, it has become increasingly apparent that cognition and emotion often inter…
Buku ini merupakan peta jalan Anda untuk menaklukkan posisi baru dengan cepat dan efektif. Baik Anda dipercaya untuk meluncurkan perusahaan baru, merombak perusahaan lama, menyelaraskan sebuah organisasi, maupun mempertahankan sukses unit yang berkinerja tinggi, buku ini akan membantu Anda menyusun rencana percepatan transisi yang sesuai dengan situasi, masa kerja, dan keahlian Anda serta denga…