The farming of animals for meat and milk confronts a stark dilemma. While world demand from a growing and more affluent human population is increasing rapidly, there are strong counter-arguments that we should eat less meat and pay more attention to environmental protection, animal welfare and human health and well-being. The aim of this book is to identify and explain the causes and contr…
What is the experience of truth and reconciliation? What is the purpose of a truth commission? What lessons can be learned from established truth and reconciliation processes? Flowers in the Wall explores the experience of truth and reconciliation Southeast Asia and the Southwest Pacific, with and without a formal truth commission. Although much has been written about the operational phases of …
In early 1958, a regional newspaperbased in Puno ran a series on villages aban-doned by the central government. How could it be that Lima is paved with luxury construction, parks and twenty-story buildings while the people of thesoutheast-ernmost region of Peru lived “with a paleolithic backwardness of more than a cen-tury”? Residents of Nuñoa, located on the wide nort…
Our histories of global exploration and encounter in the long eigh-teenth century are often drawn from the scientific voyages of discovery and their richly illustrated books, like John Ross’s A Voyage of Discovery(1819). Ross voyaged in the Enlightenment tradition of Bougainville and Cook, who had returned to Europe in ships laden with knowledge in the form …
The importance of correctness and uniformity, in the several impressions of a book of such general use, has suggested the propriety of adopting effectual measures to insure the desirable objects; and it is believed that such measures are taken, as will render all future impressions of this work, uniform in the pages, as well executed and perfectly correct. In the progress of society and improve…
What is the experience of truth and reconciliation? What is the purpose of a truth commission? What lessons can be learned from established truth and reconciliation processes? Flowers in the Wall explores the experience of truth and reconciliation Southeast Asia and the Southwest Pacific, with and without a formal truth commission. Although much has been written about the operational phases of …
Planet Bumi telah berusia 4,5 miliar tahun. Namun, hanya dalam waktu singkat, satu spesies di antara banyak spesies lain telah menaklukkannya. Seratus ribu tahun silam, setidaknya ada enam spesies manusia yang menghuni Bumi. Dan hari ini, hanya tinggal satu spesies - Homo Sapiens. Itulah KITA! Apa yang terjadi dengan spesies lain? Dan apa yang mungkin terjadi kelak pada kita? Kita adalah hewan…
Ketakutan akan dampak virus korona melebihi dampak dari virus itu sendiri. Mulai dari sistem pengawasan digital, aturan negara yang masuk ke ranah privat, pemantauan ketat dan hukuman bagi yang melanggar, dan ketakutan dunia yang tak akan kembali seperti sedia kala. Perangkat seperti pengawasan ketat dan banjir himbauan menandakan hilangnya rasa kepercayaan satu sama lain. Kepercayaan pemerinta…
Selama dua setenah juta tahun, berbagai spesies manusia hidup dan punah di bumi, sampai akhirnya tersisa satu, Manusia Bijaksana, sejak seratusan ribu tahun lalu. Namun spesies ini bisa menyebar ke seluruh dunia dan beranak-pinak hingga berjumlah 7 miliar, dan kini menjadi kekuatan alam yang dapat mengubah kondisi planet. Apa penyebabnya? Sapiens membahas sisi yang tak banyak diungkit buku sej…
Your letter is here. I have read it twice, and with amazement. Do I understand that Jervis has given you, for a Christmas present, the making over of the John Grier Home into a model institution, and that you have chosen me to disburse the money? Me--I, Sallie McBride, the head of an orphan asylum! My poor people, have you lost your senses, or have you become addicted to the use of opium,…