There was once a kingdom in the depth of a forest named the Jungle Kingdom. It was inhabited by all creatures but the human beings. Despite the fact that it had been inhabited by beasts and plants, the inhabitants acted as though they were human. Though each kind of animals had its own king, the highest power of the kingdom was invested in their Supreme Ruler, King Mouse-deer.
King Arya Seta looked uneasy. He had just walked back and forth in his room since in the morning. He did not want to be disturbed. He had ordered everyone in the palace not to disturb him all day. No one questioned King Arya Seta's order because they understood his feeling. He was thinking about the fate of a young man who was fighting in a cave of the foot of Mount Arga Dumadi. Whatever the o…
King Bidarba sat on his throne and coughed, one hand over his mouth. For the last few months, a putrid smell wafted and lingered in the air around the palace. The smell became worse and worse every day. As the air smelled worse, the palace of Madura Kingdom became more restless. A lot of people who lived or worked in the palace began to feel uncomfortable. The King himself spent more time hun…
"Rezeki orang-orang yang imannya kuat akan datang dari arah yang tak terduga-duga. Jadi bila masih bisa menebak rezeki yang datang kepada kita secara akurat, itu berarti kita perlu segera meng-upgrade keimanan kita." Kadang kala kebutuhan hidup memang tak dapat diukur. Banyak impian dan harapan yang ingin kita wujudkan, misalnya memiliki rumah dan kamera impian, menunaikan ibada haji, melanjut…
Aku memang membenci matematika. Dengan semua kerumitan logikanya, siapa yang tak berpotensi membencinya? Dari dulu. Hari sebelum kemarin. Kemarin. Hari ini, sekarang. Dan sampai sesudah hari ini pun, mungkin aku akan tetap membencinya. Apa sih sebab mendasar kita membenci matematika? Memikirkan ulangan matematika yang bisa bikin kepala cenat-cenut? Atau rumus-rumusnya yang seabrek bin nje…