Water resources are indispensable for social development. Human needs shapedrivers and river basins, leading to a drastic modification of the global water cycle.Changes due to human activities are so large nowadays that they override naturalprocesses, leading to the end of a geological era and the beginning of a new onecalled“the Anthropocene”first conceptualized by Crutzen [1, 2]. Using th…
L’agroécologie est avant tout un nouveau paradigme qui vise à valoriser les processus biologiques pour couvrir à la fois des attentes de production agricole et d’autres ser-vices écosystémiques des agrosystèmes: protéger les ressources, contribuer à atténuer le changement climatique, préserver les habitats et les patrimoines culturels. Un corol-laire est de considérer l’agroéc…
The planning and operation of airports must, if they are to be successful, take into account the interactions among these three major components or system actors. For the system to operate well, each of the actors must reach some form of equilibrium with the other two. Failure to do so will result in suboptimal conditions, exemplified by a number of undesirable phenomena that are indicators of …
018 marked the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day, 11 November 1918. Ironically, “the war that would end all wars” turned out to be a war whose end was long anticipated but “that failed to end” nevertheless.1 For some, the end of the war was already in sight in 1917: the Russian revolution, the American entry into the war, the Brest-Litovsk Treaty (signed in March 1918 between Germany a…
We begin with four tales of ancient philosophers. First, the time When Thales Fell in the Well. Thales was from a prominent Milesian family, and had dedicated himself to the contemplation of nature. Of particular interest was the nature of the heavens: he learned to determine when the sun would be eclipsed and the dates of the solstices. One night, as he was intently examining the st…
The first edition of the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol Corporate Standard), published in September 2001, enjoyed broad adoption and acceptance around the globe by businesses, NGOs, and governments. Many industry, NGO, and government GHG programs1 used the standard as a basis for their accounting and reporting systems. Industry groups, such as the Intern…
an account of the life, carrier painting of 19th century french artist edouard manet, with background information on the time-life library of art
Setiap orang memiliki jiwa entrepreneur, tetapi bagaimana menumbuhkembangkannya agar bisa menjadi entrepreneur yang sukses? Buku ini menyajikan kisah-kisah inspiratif dari para tokoh sukses dengan segala gaya dan keunikan mereka dalam mengembangkan sayap kesuksesan. Buku ini akan membuka wawasan pembaca tentang ide serta konsep bisnis yang cemerlang.