The history of HSV is long as illustrated in the book by Woo [1]. The need for devices with more frames per second to visualize the true movement of the vocal folds led to the use of HSV setups for laryngeal evaluation in this study. Videostroboscopy (VS) is use-ful for classification and standardized scoring, but for a functional evaluation of the vocal folds during phonation, HSV affords the …
The twenty-first century has witnessed a pervasive militarization of aesthetics with Western military institutions co-opting the creative worldmaking of art and merging it with the destructive forces of warfare. In Martial Aesthetics, Anders Engberg-Pedersen examines the origins of this unlikely merger, showing that today's creative warfare is merely the extension of a historical development th…
Contemporary media history is a rapidly growing field that extends far beyond traditional studies of technology or institutions such as radio, film, and television. This volume expands the scope further still to analyse ephemeral, mundane phenomena long overlooked by media historiography. In eight original essays, the volume demonstrates the strengths of a broad concept of the media. The first …
Around the world edible wild mushrooms are regarded as a delicacy and can be found in and outside forests, either picked for home consumption or sold at local markets. They are used in various dishes and contain important vitamins, minerals and proteins and many species are believed to cure ailments. Wild mushrooms, however, can also bring illnesses and even death to people, who are unaware of …