This book is a comprehensive attempt to chart the history of science communication as it developed in the modern era. It tells the story from the perspective of researchers and practitioners in the field, collecting accounts of how modern science communication has developed internationally. The book contains 40 chapters: two introductory chapters, 36 chapt…
uppose you awoke one day having lost your imagination.Some things would be easier. There would be no wavering on what clothes to wear. You wouldn’t be able to imagine the different possibilities. The creativity of your work might suffer, however. And you would do well to avoid films and novels with absurd or devastating plot lines. Unable to imagine the events descri…
A concise introduction to the basics of open access, describing what it is (and isn't) and showing that it is easy, fast, inexpensive, legal, and beneficial.The Internet lets us share perfect copies of our work with a worldwide audience at virtually no cost. We take advantage of this revolutionary opportunity when we make our work “open access”: digital, online, free of charge, and free of …
We call ourselves Homo sapiens—man the wise—because our intelligence is so important to us. For thousands of years, we have tried to understand how we think; that is, how a mere handful of matter can perceive, understand, predict, and manipulate a world far larger and more complicated than itself. The field of artificial intelligence, or AI, goes further still: it ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE at…
Buku ini memberikan mahasiswa kedokteran dasar-dasar ilmu biokimia dengan cara yang menarik dan relevan. Dalam buku yang ringkas tetapi komprehesif ini, tercakup studi kasus terbaru, diskusi mengenai penyakit-penyakit biokimia dan informasi klinis. * Terdapat pula informasi mengenai keadaan medis yang menjadi prevalensi, mencakup hiperkolesterolemia, obesitas, dan diabetes melitus. * Memberi …
It may be readily understood that when once Europeans set foot upon this territory they were not slow to take advantage of its capabilities. Sheep and cattle were introduced, and bred with extreme rapidity; men took up their 50,000 or 100,000 acres of country, going inland one behind the other, till in a few years there was not an acre between the sea and the front ranges which was not taken up…
This translation is intended to supplement a work entitled ‘The Authoress of the Odyssey’, which I published in 1897. I could not give the whole ‘Odyssey’ in that book without making it unwieldy, I therefore epitomised my translation, which was already completed and which I now publish in full.
Pertama kalinya para pakar kesehatan menjelaskan secara benar kepada anda, anggota keluarga anda, serta orang yang anda cintai seluk beluk mengenai pemeriksaan medis yang dapat dijalani. Membahas lebih dari 400 macam pemeriksaan: Buku ini menyajikan pemeriksaan yang dilakukan di tempat praktik dokter, di rumah sakit, dan di klinik--yang kesemuanya sebenarnya dapat anda lakukan di rumah. 1. P…