The major category is called a division and is equivalent to phylum in the animal kingdom. Division name endings indicate plants (-phyta) and fungi (-mycota). In the top illustration are some examples of Magnoliophyta, the flowering plant division. The endings of lesser categories indicate class (-opsida), subclass (-idea), order (-ales), and family (-aceae). Classification of one specific plan…
The history of herbs and spices is as long as the history of mankind. People have used these plants since earliest times. No other commodity has played a more pivotal role in the development of modern civilization as spices. The lives of people and plants are more entwined than is often realized. Some herbs have the power to change our physiological functioning, they have revolutionized medicin…
For 50 years, researchers at UCL’s Thomas Coram Research Unit have been undertaking ground-breaking policy-relevant social research. Their main focus has been social issues affecting children, young people and families, and the services provided for them. Social Research for our Times brings together different generations of researchers from the Unit to share some of the most important result…
Capitalism has gone astray. Today we face ecological exhaustion, persistent inequality, financialization, stress on communities, short-termism, and new power concentrations. An avalanche of new economic thinking and a reorientation of European values show the way toward a different economy. A new perspective is necessary if we want to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and if we consid…
This work is the first major attempt since the 1970s to challenge the idea that the essential engine of medical (and scientific) change in seventeenth-century Britain emanated from puritanism. It seeks to reaffirm the crucial role of the period of the civil wars and their aftermath in providing the most congenial context for a re-evaluation of traditional attitudes to medicine. In the process, …
Lihatlah ke bintang-bintang di atas, bukan ke kakimu di bawah. Pahami apa yang kau lihat, dan bertanyalah tentang apa yang membuat Alam Semesta ini ada. Bertanyalah." - Stephen Hawking.
For 50 years, researchers at UCL’s Thomas Coram Research Unit have been undertaking ground-breaking policy-relevant social research. Their main focus has been social issues affecting children, young people and families, and the services provided for them. Social Research for our Times brings together different generations of researchers from the Unit to share some of the most important result…
here are also a set of statutory offence provisions that proscribe speci-fied conduct. These offences can be prosecuted in the courts, and guilty de-fendants can be penalized by fines, prescribed conduct (such as soil or water remediation), and even imprisoned.Such offences are not pure criminal offences that require proof of intent. Rather, they are regulatory offences that require only proof …
Music practices, understood as activities connected to humanly organized sound, extend beyond enclosed spaces both physically and metaphorically, crossing borders of all kinds. When they cross the borders of national states and create stable networks among musicians, fans, people involved in the music business, etc., they can be considered transnational. Cen…
Although not di-rectly related to GAS, it is worth mentioning that the German music instrument re-tailer Thomann (2019) hosts an annual summer camp as part of its ‘Gearhead Uni-versity’. YouTubers get the opportunity to review each piece of equipment in Thomann’s warehouse in a small village in southern Germany, document their ex-periences on video and share them online with fe…