Translators bear a heavy responsibility. When Jerome translated the Greek logos into the Latin verbum in the Vulgate Bible, he set Western theology and philosophy on an errant path for well over a millennium. But we should not be too harsh on old Jerome; even the brilliant Erasmus flailed in the face of the polysemic Greek word when he attempted a L…
This book makes the case for an urgent move away from industrial agriculture towards regenerative farming and the promotion of plant-based diets. How we produce, distribute and consume food are critical issues for the health and well-being of humans, animals and the environment. In order to develop a sustainable food system, this book argues for a radical change in farming and food consumption.…
Music practices, understood as activities connected to humanly organized sound, extend beyond enclosed spaces both physically and metaphorically, crossing borders of all kinds. When they cross the borders of national states and create stable networks among musicians, fans, people involved in the music business, etc., they can be considered transnational. Cen…
The cuticle of insects has several functions, such as protecting against environmental conditions, pathogens, and other insects, as well as supporting the body. The epicuticle is the external layer of the cuticle and consists of two layers: the first one, composed of chitin, and the second one, composed of hydrocarbons, which helps the insect avoid dehy-dration and damage…
The soybean is far more than just a versatile crop whose derivatives serve the protein needs of a meatless diet. One of the world’s most important commodities, soy represents the embodiment of mechanised industrial agriculture and is one of the main actors behind the socioeconomic, political, and ecological transformations of industrial farming in several world regions. S…
Veganism is on the rise, and so is the worldwide consumption of meat. The Vegan Society defines veganism as "a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or any other purpose". The extent to which individuals, groups, and institutions all over the world adhere to this way of living has cruc…