Although individuals may have different goals and wishes on the surface, deep down we all want the same things. Our fundamental needs are universal: Regardless of culture, age, and lifestyle, everyone ultimately has the same set of needs. Needs are the basic requirements for our functioning and the nutriments for our well-being and advancement. We can only fully develop and flourish if all our …
Understanding the mystery of consciousness goes to the heart of the human condition. Consciousness is what makes us human and understanding its nature is to know what it is to be human and what the world is like. Consciousness does not make us special among the animals, but human consciousness captures the essence of our being as animals. W…
There can be no ‘neutral’ Schweitzer interpretation. Schweitzer’s thoughts changed over the years, as is the case with most human beings. He was too considered to make one-sided statements. Those that may, at first sight, seem so are qualified by context. He contextualised and balanced such statements with self-critique and an appeal to our conscience.African …
Bagi sebagian besar dari kita, pandemi covid-19 pada awalnya hanyalah berita yang ada di TV dan forward-an di grup WA. Angka-angka korban melintas sejenak dalam kesadaran kita tapi biasanya cepat menguap. Memang kita terkena langsung. Sekolah dan kantor diliburkan, banyak rencana berantakan, bisnis praktis mati suri. Tetapi palingpaling kita hanya mengeluh bosan, bingung menyapa umat yang tidak…