This open access book offers an essential overview of brain, head and neck, and spine imaging. Over the last few years, there have been considerable advances in this area, driven by both clinical and technological developments. Written by leading international experts and teachers, the chapters are disease-oriented and cover all relevant imaging modalities, with a focus on magnetic resonance im…
In June 2009, a thread on the forum asked usersto participate in a Photoshop challenge involving the creation of imagesdisplaying a paranormal feature. One user named Victor Surge, whosereal name was later revealed to be Eric Knudsen, uploaded two grainyblack-and-white images in response to this call. These pictures showeda faceless and uncannily tall figure in a suit lurking…
The interplay of physical reality and digital media technologies is getting enhanced by new interfaces. The age of hyper-reality turns into the age of hyper-aesthetics and immersive image technologies – like mixed reality – enable a completely novel form of interaction and user relation with the virtual image structures, the different screen technologies, and embedded physical artefacts for…