KEY BENEFIT: This book prepares readers to understand finite mathematics and calculus used in a wide range of disciplines. Covering relevant topics from finance, linear algebra, programming, and probability, the Seventh Edition places emphasis on computational skills, ideas, and problem solving. Other highlights include a rich variety of applications and integration of graphing calculators. …
Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring Law is at the heart of every society, protecting rights, imposing duties, and establishing a framework for the conduct of almost all social, political, and economic activity. Despite this, the law often seems a highly technical, perplexing mystery, with its antiquated and often impenetrable jargon, obsolete procedures, and endless stream …
In principle, high-precision imaging of human vascular structures, including thoseinside the human hand, is a solved problem. Figure1.1a displays correspondingvessels using a Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) medical imaging device,while Fig.1.1b shows the result of applying hyperspectral imaging using a STEM-MER IMAGING device using their Perception Studio software to visualise the datacapt…
My empirical research for this book began in 2016 with funding from the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. This faculty grant supported an experimental pilot of my methods and ways of recording them, which formed the basis for the meth-ods that feature in this book. This early work was undertaken at a community service provider in west Sydney. This …
Aqueous solutions are subject to bacterial or enzymatic degradation but may be preserved by initially boiling the solution for a short time to inactivate any enzymes present; microwave irradiation can also be used. Aqueous solutions may also be preserved by the addition of an antimicrobial preservative such as 0.1% w/v benzoic acid, 0.1% w/v sodium benzoate, or a mixture of 0.17% w/v methylpara…