Penulis buku bestseller versi New York Times, The Geography of Bliss, Eric Weiner, melakukan perjalanan intelektual yang berliku, mengikuti jejak para pemikir besar dalam sejarah dan menunjukkan kepada kita bagaimana para filsufdari Epicurus hingga Gandhi, Thoreau hingga Beauvoirmenawarkan kearifan serta kebijaksanaan praktis dan spiritual untuk masa-masa ambyar seperti sekarang. Kita kembali …
Terrestrial Mammal Conservation provides a thorough summary of the available scientific evidence of what is known, or not known, about the effectiveness of all of the conservation actions for wild terrestrial mammals across the world (excluding bats and primates, which are covered in separate synopses). Actions are organized into categories based on the International Union for Conservation of N…