overty and Wealth in East Africa is a conceptual history of poverty and wealth and of the poor and the wealthy over the past two millennia. It demonstrates the dynamism and diversity of people’s thinking about inequality in the region long before colonial conquest or incorporation into global trade networks. Sub-Saharan Africa’s economic woes and the poverty o…
Healthy ageing is the ideal trajectory from birth to death. As we reach older age, physical changes are inevitable, but it is not simply the effect of these changes that makes ageing healthy or unhealthy. An older person may have many years of inca-pacity as they decline slowly towards death. Or they may be well and functioning happily until a very rapid shift into loss of life (the ideal of dy…
In late October 2012, almost a year after the eviction of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) encampment at Zuccotti Park, Hurricane Sandy hit New York, with first landfall near Brigantine, New Jersey, with winds of 80 mph. At the time, Sandy was the second costliest storm in US history, costing around US $73.5 billion, second only to Hurricane Katrina. The human cost was significant: more t…
Finnian, the Abbott of Moville, went southwards and eastwards in great haste. News had come to him in Donegal that there were yet people in his own province who believed in gods that he did not approve of, and the gods that we do not approve of are treated scurvily, even by saintly men. He was told of a powerful gentleman who observed neither Saint's day nor Sunday. "A powerful person!" …
When Jack Morrow returned from the World's Fair, he found Philadelphia thermometers registering 95. The next afternoon he boarded a Chestnut Street car, got out at Front Street, hurried to the ferry station, and caught a just departing boat for Camden, and on arriving at the other side of the Delaware, made haste to find a seat in the well-filled express train bound for Atlantic City. Whi…