For millennia, one of the most consistent characteristics of Hindu traditions has been variation. Scholarly work on contemporary Hinduism and its premodern antecedents ably captures this complexity, paying attention to a wide spectrum of ideologies, practices, and positions of authority. Studies of religion in ancient India stress doctrinal variation in the period, when ideas about pe…
Photography can be a fun and rewarding thing to learn, but where do you start? How should you set up your camera, what skills should you work on first, how should you be processing your photographs? This in-depth guide aims to answer those questions and help you create a foundation for success as you pick up this exciting new hobby of photography. When you unpack your first camera you may be i…
In all my reading of Bunyan, what has gripped me most is his sufering and how he responded to it—what it made of him, and what it might make of us. All of us come to our tasks with a history and many predispositions. I come to John Bunyan with a growing sense that sufering is a normal, useful, essential, and God-ordained element in Christian life and ministry—not only for the sake of weanin…
How much should I feed my dog? Does the food I’m providing meet my dog’s nutritional needs? As our knowledge of the relationship between diet and health continues to advance and as the range of foods available for dogs continues to expand, it’s more important than ever to base feeding choices on good information. The information in this pamphlet is based on Nutrient Requirements of Dogs …
Although the harvesting of fruit is not a direct packing house operation, it is sometimes controlled by the packing house. In some instances, picking teams are operated by the packing house, and in most instances the decision to pick as well as what fruit to pick (complete crop or only certain sizes), and how much to pick per day is dictated by the packing house which needs to plan packing on …
Poems and poets : people greet them with scorn andpoke fun at them. Why is that? Because people take the realm of poetry to be the depic-tion of simple sensual beauty, self-complacent emotionalpain and dark melancholy—things not real mirrored in mor-bid sensibilities. If poetry required only a unique sensitivityand dreamy beauty, then hysterics and the mentally il…
The idea for this collection was born out of a chance encounter over coffee in a U.S. Starbucks. Over a wide-ranging conversation, we discussed the state of working-class literature as a field, the de-cline of Marxism in academia, our favorite working-class authors, and the lack of good coffe shops on U.S. campuses. We both gen-erally laid out the various trajectories of scholarly rec…
The idea that we learn by interacting with our environment is probably the first to occur to us when we think about the nature of learning. When an infant plays, waves its arms, or looks about, it has no explicit teacher, but it does have a direct sensorimotor connection to its environment. Exercising this connection produces a wealth of information about cause and effect, about the consequence…
The mandate for this chapter is to review the anatomy and histology of the pancreas. The pancreas (meaning all flesh) lies in the upper abdomen behind the stomach. The pancreas is a part of the gastrointestinal system that makes and secretes digestive enzymes into the intestine and also an endocrine organ that makes and secretes hormones into the blood to control energy metabolism and storage t…
Seafood is one of this country’s most popular products, contributing £5.4 billion to the retail and foodservice sector in the UK. Over 70% of the seafood we consume in the UK is sourced from overseas. For example, 95% of the cod we eat comes from outside the North Sea. We have produced this seafood guide to help you – chefs, caterers and retailers – promote and understand the wonderful a…