History, genres, world cinemas, A-Z of directors, top 100 movies.
This is a book about a grand vision radio telescope project called the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its transition from a global grass-roots collaboration among astronomers and engineers in the early 1990s to a formal legal entity two decades later, on the path towards an Inter-Governmental Organisation constructing a science mega-project. The …
Platforms for open access monographs are fairly new and they are just one aspect of the changes in the way scholarly and scientif ic results are made public. As I became involved in the development of both the OAPEN Library and the Directory of Open Access Books, questions on optimiza-tion arose. How can we improve these open access book platforms if there are few examples to learn…
Although there are many kinds of love, erotic love has been celebrated in art and poetry as life's most rewarding and exalting experience, worth living and dying for and bringing out the best in ourselves. And yet it has excused, and even been thought to justify, the most reprehensible crimes. Why should this be? This Very Short Introduction explores this and other puzzling questions. Do we lov…
Psychiatry is the medical field that deals with mental illness. A womanwho finds herself depressed and anxious will seek help from a psychiatrist.A young man who hears voices when no one is present, speaks incoherentlyon occasion and declines all social invitations may likewise go to a psychia-trist, or be taken to one by his mother. The psychiatrist will interview theperson, order…
The application of rhetorical and narrative approaches to science have been used to analyze the discourse of popular culture and how it relates to complex social phenomena such as the proliferation of pseudoscience or antipsychiatry. The rhet-oric of science studies how scientists—as part of a discursive community—frame and communicate their knowledge; what they argue about and how…
There is a large and mostly unmet global need for affordable and efficacious wound care, despite modern-day medicine advancing at break-neck speed. Indeed, the tide of chronic wounds is rising. Modern lifestyle changes, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), bring a rapid rise in non-communicable disease including cardiovascular disease, o…
Our intention has been to translate the poems into plain and unadorned prose, staying as close to the original as modern English idiom will allow, in order to reveal what may loosely be termed the ‘literal’ sense of the text. Readers approaching these poems from an acquaintance with Chaucer’s works will already be aware that one of the chief difficulties of Middle English for the modern r…
Irian Jaya merupakan bagian yang sangat khusus dari bumi kita, yang mengandung kekayaan alam luar biasa makmurnya, dan terentang luas sekali melampaui cakrawala lingkungan yang masih murni. Irian Jaya merupakan hutan dataran rendah paling besar di seluruh Asia Tenggara yang masih belum terusik, yang mengandung pula kekayaan dan keanekaragaman kehidupan yang tidak ada taranya. Provinsi ini mer…