Criminal justice systems are barometers of social development. This claim, putforward by German criminal law scholars,1alludes to the fact that inherent in thecriminal justice process are conflicting interests between the need to ensure comprehensive fact-finding on the one hand, and the wish to safeguard individual rights,especially those of defendants, on the other hand. In all criminal justi…
Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is a multidisciplinary research field that integrates disciplines such as engineering, psychology, sociology, philosophy, and more1. Collaboration between different disciplines is necessary to achieve goals (such as developing robotic systems for human-aware navigation), but can be com-plicated as each discipline has a different jargon, uses different methods, and …
Archaeological investigation of places marked by violence such as Ruapekapeka Pa? in northern New Zealand, where both European and Maori combatants died during significant military operations, has contributed to a national day of remembrance (R? Maumahara) to acknowledge that while colonial settlement played a significant role in modern nation-building, so did intrusion…
Videogames are the medium of loss and death. Videogame characters frequently fall from cliffs (Super Mario Bros.), get shot (Space Inva-ders), and go bankrupt (Theme Hospital). Sometimes they die in swimming pools (The Sims), are butchered by rotating blades (Super Meat Boy), impaled (Tomb Raider), or flattened by rolling boulders (Crash Bandicoot)…
In contrast to buildings divided by walls, monospace buildings are determined far less by its shell than by a reciprocal relationship between space and practices, objects, materials, and human bodies. Using the example of such one-room-architectures, this book explores the potential of an actor-network-theory (ANT) approach to space in the field of architecture. Sabine Hansmann focuses on the S…
This posthumously published work by Lawrence Krader surveys the study of myths from ancient times (in classical Greece and Rome, Egypt, Babylon, Akkad, Sumer, China), in the Biblical traditions, of the indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australia, and from Northeastern and Central Asia. It also covers the various approaches to the study of myth in Europe in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance …
During the 1930s, episodes of violent protest by the inhabitants of Britain’s Caribbean colonies brought the extremely poor living and working conditions that existed in these territories to domestic and international attention. Revelations of widespread unemployment, squalid housing and malnutrition threatened the moral authority of British rule …
The Science and Technology of Particle Accelerators provides an accessible introduction to the field, and is suitable for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and academics, as well as professionals in national laboratories and facilities, industry, and medicine who are designing or using particle accelerators. Providing integrated coverage of accelerator science and technology, this boo…
I shall never forget the walk I took one night in Vienne, after having accomplished the examination of an unknown Druidical relic, the Pierre labie, at La Rondelle, near Champigni. I had learned of the existence of this cromlech only on my arrival at Champigni in the afternoon, and I had started to visit the curiosity without calculating the time it would take me to reach it and to return.…